Meg & Aki, Reunited!
Wow, it’s been… 10 years since we played together! I really enjoyed this project, and am truly grateful for this opportunity to perform with my good friend and old musical partner Aki. He is a very talented, active musician living in New York City. (He just released his new album, so check it out!) During this COVID-19 stay-home period, we recorded at home in New York (Aki) and Yaizu, Shizuoka in Japan (Meg). Hoping this will bring a smile on your face. Wishing you and your loved ones good health and happiness! Looking forward to a day to say “Bye bye COVID-19” so we can see our loved ones in person….
久々(なんと10年ぶり!)の Meg & Aki は焼津とニューヨークから。Akiくんはニューヨーク時代からの友達でそれはそれは素晴らしいミュージシャンだ。先日もオリジナルのアルバムをリリースしたばかりなので、是非チェックしてみて欲しい。コロナの件でストレスもMaxに達しつつある皆さんに、少しでも楽しんで頂ければ幸いだ。皆さんどうぞお元気で!
Bass: Akihiro Yamamoto
Vocal: Meg Y
Akiくんの最新アルバムです。Check it out!
on ☟