Homemade Sushi: Made with Love』 by Koharu and Meg Y


Available at Amazon worldwide. Enjoy sushi making with loved ones! The book is full of easy, cute and delicious recipes arranged by seasonal events.

April 2020

「活字はやっぱり紙で読みたいなぁ」、「印刷版はないの?」とリクエスト・お問い合わせを頂いていたエッセイ『Oh My Roomie: ニューヨーク・グラマシーの事件簿』、遂にペーパーバック(印刷版)の発売開始です!

I have received requests and inquiries such as "I still prefer reading printed books." and "Is there a print version available?" for my essay "Oh My Roomie: New York Gramercy no Jikenbo." I am thrilled to announce that the paperback (print edition) is finally available for purchase!

Meg Yのエッセイ『Oh My Roomie: ニューヨーク・グラマシーの事件簿』はこちらから!

"Oh My Roomie: New York Gramercy no Jikenbo" available at Amazon worldwide!

November 2019



My very first essay (e-book) is now available!

Available on amazon.co.jp